
提升國人正確的休閒價值觀、改善生命的素質與涵養, 推廣休閒運動,建構快樂生活型態,帶動休閒運動產業發展。




因此本校遂於民國90年,在創校10年之時設立 「休閒運動研究所」,透過專業系所的成立,培養具有專業涵養的休閒運動化與經營管理的人才,藉以創造優質休閒運動的文化與品質,進而提升國人正確的休閒價值觀、改善生命的素質與涵養,並期待能藉由休閒運動的推廣與發展,建構快樂的生活型態,帶動休閒運動產業的發展。




一、教育目標 Educational goals


  1. 培育休閒及運動產業經營管理專業人才
    To cultivate professional managers of leisure and exercise industries.
  2. 培育休閒及運動研究專業人才
    To cultivate professional researchers of leisure and exercise studies.
  3. 培育高齡休閒運動指導與推廣人才
    To cultivate professional guides of leisure and exercise activities for the elderly and talents of promotion management.


二、五項核心能力 Five core character competencies


  1. 具備休閒及運動產業經營管理能力
    To have management competencies of leisure and exercise industries.
  2. 具備專業的休閒運動專題研究能力
    To have research competencies of leisure and exercise industries.
  3. 具備自我學習與團隊合作的能力
    To have competencies of active learning and team working.
  4. 具備面對問題,思考解決方法之能力
    To have competencies of facing, thinking and solving problems.
  5. 具備高齡休閒運動指導與推廣能力
    To have competencies of professional guides to leisure and exercise activities for the elderly and promotion management.


三、畢業生未來的出路 Job or study opportunities of graduates

  1. 可擔任休閒運動指導者、輔導者的角色
    To be a guide/ an instructor of leisure or exercises.
  2. 推展休閒運動支志工與員工自強活動之實踐者
    To promote to be volunteers of leisure or exercises and practitioners of staffs’ tourism activities.
  3. 應聘至公民營之訓練機構,擔任休閒教育或休閒發展規劃業務
    To apply to be planning managers of leisure education or leisure development for the governments or private businesses.
  4. 報考國內相關系所之博士班或出國深造,以繼續更高深學術之研究
    To go on earning Ph.D. programs at domestic schools or studying abroad.